I wish I could get a video of what she is truely like. Macey just loves to sing and knows a surprising amount of lyrics... In the car and at home I usually have music on somewhere and so she knows just about all the words to every song I've ever had on the blog. It cracks us up!!! Ok ok, realistically, she can't pronounce all those words, but she knows the tunes well enough that we all know what song she's singing too... she gives Rihanna run for her money in "Love the way you lie", Just so ya know!
Why is it little girls like- no, I take that back, LOVE to dance? Especially, when they have a mom who never took dance, never really liked (or disliked) dance, never really had an opinion on it until now that I have girls who seem to always be danceing... don't know how I feel about it................................