Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Incredible Hulk...

Thursday Marin came home from school just dying to open her Christmas present from her teachers. So, not thinking anything about it, I let her, only to see Jace sad and pouting beside her since he didn't have a present to open. Well, that's all Matt needed. He ran downstairs to get these for Jace to open. Matt has been wanting to give these to him since we got them. And well, Jace loves them. His Incredible Hulk Smash hands. They make noises when you hit with them. He is in heaven. Jace too. Seriously, I don't know who loves this toy more, Matt or Jace!! Jace is a huge Hulk fan, so when we saw these at the store, we knew they had his name written all over them. He hasn't stopped pummeling us with them since!

Hulk, SMASH!

Christmas lights

We hit Salt Lake this saturday with a mission! We went and saw the Body Exhibit at the Leonardo library. It was pretty cool. Marin learned there are 27 bones in your hand and 26 in your foot (something she's been repeating ALL day!). We had a wonderful lunch at The Spaghetti Factory and then headed to Temple Square to see the lights. We haven't been down to see the lights in quite a few years, so this was really fun. It wasn't too cold and the kids had a ball. Matt's mom came with us and I think that's how it should always be. One adult per child! Sure makes things a lot easier. So thankyou San for coming with us, we had a blast!!
Inside the North Visitors Center...
(thanks for taking the picture gma, the rug is beautiful! he he he)

Marin and Matt admiring all the lights...

Lil' Macey did so well on this trip! We hardly heard a peep!

The Christus at Temple Square...

Nothing like a hot cup O' cocoa...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Birthday/Christmas Party...

Goodies from Santa!

Marin with Santa...

Jace telling his Christmas wish list!

Marin and Saddie danced the night away at the Ward Christmas Party!

Misti and Easton, picture perfect!

Party Craziness and


Posing, one of her favorite past times!

The Birthday Boy being crazy with his kids!!

Getting ready for the Ward Christmas party...
about ready for the party...

Still waiting to go to the party...

And yes, Mom makes us take ONE more picture before we head out!

Friday was Mateo's 32nd birthday! Happy Birthday Matt! You are such a good dad, a wonderful husband and a great friend!
It was also our ward Christmas party. We had alot of fun. We have gotten to know so many wonderful people here in this ward, it is a great place to live. Santa even made an appearnace before the night was over, so much fun!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Crazy kids...

Jace LOVES having this tree in his room...

Marin and Jace's room getting into the festive holiday spirit...

I had to capture this sad face... (I'm not sure why he's so sad either)

I walk into Macey's room looking for my kids and this is what pops out at me...

They're playing Marin is the mom and Jace is the baby... (o boy!)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's Official...

Well, she did it. Marin got her ears pierced! I always ask her when we go to the mall if she wants to get them pierced, and she always tells me, "Maybe when I'm 16." Or "Maybe when I'm 80." Putting off something she really wants because she's terrified of it! Well, while we were doing some Christmas shopping yesterday I asked her and she said, "Well, maybe when I'm 6." and I said, "Okay, but it sure would be fun to have them for Christmas." She thinks a minute and then looks at me and says, "Okay, let's do it!" I was like really? But she said yes so we went. There was only one girl working so she had to have them pierced one at a time and that did cause a bit of trouble. After getting her first one done, she jumped almost across the room and cried and cried. I felt like such a terrible mother, persuading her to do this. Well, after a minute, she calmed down, let the lady do her second ear as she squoze my fingers off and cried some more. But afterwards, she has just been in heaven. She keeps telling me she loves her earrings and every time she walks by a mirror or window, she tilts her head so she can admire them. She ran to her teacher at school today to show them off. She is quite pleased with herself and frankly, so am I!


Our good friend Allie got baptised on Saturday! We love Allie and are so glad for her good example for our kids. Way to go Allie!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Breakfast with Santa...

My friend Angie hooked us all up with tickets to Breakfast with Santa. The kids loved it. Santa made the rounds going to every table as they ate and then after they got to hear a story by Mrs. Clause. They got to talk to Santa and Marin even drew a picture and gave it to a very grateful Santa at the end. Macey was there but she basically slept threw the entire show and really, that was just fine with me!


I didn't think I took a single picture on Thanksgiving, but it looks like I took a few. We went to Grandma Montano's house and had a great day with all our family!

Friday, December 5, 2008

So you know...

That sick feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you have lost something really important? Well, that's the feeling I had all day Wednesday. Every month, I carefully take out our car insurance money so we can pay it in full at the designated 6 month time period (Go Dave Ramsey, novel idea!) So I get the insurance bill, go get the cash I have stashed so I can go deposit it in the bank and mail my insurance coverage check. So Wednesday at about lunch time, I decide I better get everything together so I can drop Marin off at dance and then go run my errands with Jace and Macey. I can not find the insurance bill where I put all the cash to deposit. I start getting a little frantic, but I know it can only be in a few places. I check them all, at least 3 or 4 or 5 times. I can not find it! Matt helps me look for a good 45 mins when he's home for lunch and still nothing! I'm searching the car, every file folder we have, behind our dresser, in between the fridge and counter.... everywhere! I even went to the church (where I was for YW the night before!) just in case I somehow took it with me and left it there. I was sick, just sick about it! So I get pretty depressed and just feeling so sick about it. Do the other errands I had, come home and am just down in the dumps. Matt calls every so often to see if I've found it, which I have not. It was a crappy day. And then, my friend Misti tells me she lost some money once and it was because she'd put it in an envelope and then accidentally put that envelope back in the box. So I figure it can't hurt, so I go look... of course it's not there. But, my eye catches a glimpse of a black binder up by the envelope box, where I put all our bills to keep them organized and then when I have time, I sit down and pay them all. I realize I haven't even thought to look there. Well, I open it, and low and behold, there it is. The money I have been searching for! I was so grateful. Of course I'd offered a few teary prayers pleading to please help me find it. I promised to always do my visiting teaching every month, read my scriptures so much more and to really, earnestly pray daily. It was a good teaching experience for me and the kids. After I found it, they noticed a complete 360 degree turn around in their mom's mood. Basically, Christmas came early this year in the Montaño household!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Some things to smile about...

Marin loves to dress up...

and makes many beautiful costume changes during the day!

Jace follows her dress up lead... except instead of being a princess, he's the dragon or some frightful creature who is after her!

Helping mom make rolls for Sunday dinner.

Not really in the mood to have his picture taken!

Marin lost her first tooth at the end of October!
She has now discovered the Tooth Fairy!

Our little Macey is discovering her smile...

And we just can't get enough of it!