Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A little Early...

So I know it's a bit early, but this kid had been in South Korea since July of 2009...

and I think everyone in this family is ready for him to return!! Being at my parents house this past week really got me excited for Craig to be home. He'll be attending USU (oh yeah!) this fall and we are just ready to have him around!

Band of Brothers... what more can be said?!?

Spring Break at the Rices...

For Spring Break we took a much needed trip to the Rice Farm!

Marin and Jace and their cousins Callie and Ada...

Uncle Scott reading stories...

Grpa letting Jace use the blow torch to start the fireplace...

He absolutely LOVED this job!

Getting ready to play...

Helping Grma heard all the horses down from the top field so we can go riding...

Spring time... at least that means summer is coming and mud will soon be gone :)

My sister Melinda with her 2.5 kids (she's due in August) made the trip from Wisconsin to Utah for a nice visit...

Macey's first solo experience, and she loved it!

Macey and Marin sharing Callie... this is pre-runaway pony causing Marin to fall off and kind of ruin her horse riding experience this time. But she'll back right back on next time!

Grandma and Ada on Little Guy (yes, that's the horses name... talk to my mom!)

Our beautiful Aunt Candela letting the kiddos play with Joshua...

Everyone loves uncle Scott...

And we're excited for him. This summer he'll be stationed in Missouri and New Mexico!

We love spending time with our newest nephew Joshua!

And we LOVE Hamilton, especially when grma puts him in his kennel inside!

My mom's new entertainment center. She's using a blue stain, I think it's going to look fantastic!

Our new obsession... We just can't get enough!!

I love that my mom always has fresh potted plants inside... makes everything feel more springy!