Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Saturday, October 8th, 2011 was Marin Lee Montaño's baptism...

It was a very sweet and special day. She had a lot of support from family on both sides...(all of Matt's family drove up that morning from Ogden- a 2 hour drive and the baptism started at 9am! And Grandpa Rice and Uncle Scott left Missouri at 8am Friday morning to get in Saturday at 7:30am, just in time!) We love and truly appreciate all our family!

We were all very excited for her and proud of her...

We love you Marin and the choices you are making!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Marin's birthday...

On September 4th Marin turned 8... where has time gone? My girl is 8!

Her birthday was on a Sunday so we opened presents first thing before church...
And I took like 3 pictures and Matt only took video so this is all the documentation I have!!

This one kept thinking the presents were for her, since she'd just been celebrated 2 days before...

We were so happy Uncle Lee and the girls could come up along with Grandma and Graycee. We've never lived close enough to family to have them over for birthdays, so it really made Marin's birthday extra special!