Two Little Tricksters...
Just as I was trying to lay down for a well deserved Sunday afternoon nap, I hear outside our bedroom door, "Mom, mommy!" being whispered in that voice that isn't really a whisper but you can't really call it yelling either. Anyway, I drag my droopy eyelids out of bed and what do I see? Two little munchkins who are giggling hysterically because they have each put on each others pajamas. They thought they were being so clever and funny that what else could I do? Blog it of course!
That is so funny!
I'm totally "thread-jacking" here but I've enjoyed ALL of Shannon Hale's books so don't just stop at Goose Girl! They're all good! We read a lot of good books on the mom blog I am part of too-you should check out that
Too funny. I love the things kids come up with!
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