Happy Birthday and First Day of Preschool...
She's 5...
Ready for school...

Blowing out her candles...
Happy Birthday Marin, we love you...
Tea Party anyone???
Snow White...
She's got the best, of both worlds...
Well, I'm a little behind, but I think you all understand! On Sept. 4th Marin Lee turned 5 years old!! It was also her first day of preschool for the second year. She misses the kindergarten deadline by a few days, but absolutely loves her teachers, learning and of course the social atmosphere. She loves her friends. We celebrated her birthday that night with Matt running around in the morning first, getting her a birthday treat to take to school, then getting her to school and then after work he took Marin to pick out her cake. She had a great day and is so happy to be 5! Saddie, thank you for the Snow White outfit- she didn't take it off for almost 2 days! She loves it! Grandma Montaño got her the Hannah Montana ensemble and she was so excited, she had to try everything on immediately! Grandma also brought up a little something for Jace, his favorite basketball players jersey. That would be Carlos Boozer (to his mother's horror!! D. Will people!). Every time he's playing basketball we have to yell, "Go Booz! Yeah Booz!" Let's just say, I can see why he likes Boozer so much, they make about the same number of baskets!
1 comment:
Too cute, happy birthday to Marin and to you, too, Christa. I love the new picture of the three kids!
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