It starts... (already!)
Marin's new favorite thing. Every morning before school she lathers up with lotion, body glitter and lip gloss. NO eye shadow for school, that's the rule!
Look at this, complete with all a girl could need... So Jace runs outside yesterday to inform while I'm getting Macey in the car that Marin is putting on eye shadow and "she doesn't want me to tell you". So, I go inside and Marin rushes by me saying, "let's go Mom!". I tell her to hold on a minute and to look at me. Yup. Bright pink eye shadow slathered all over her lids. So, we had our little (like millionth!) talk about how little girls don't wear makeup to school and bla bla bla. But can I tell you what really bothers me about this little incident? At age 6 she's already scheming and sneaking things! I thought that was a few years down the road. I mean, I remember the clothes and earrings I snuck on the bus so my mom wouldn't see them. Put the stuff on as soon as I got to school and then take it off before I got on the bus to go home. But come on, we're talking kindergarten here folks! AAAH!
We love this little stinker anyway! Keeps life run, right?!
Marin, I love that you're giving your mom a run for her money! Keepin' mom on her toes! Next thing you know she'll be asking you for a sports bra!!
Eye shadow already?!?! Thats too funny... I want to keep this cute little girls locked up for a couple years longer!!
I am totally with you. We have the same rules and first thing Saturday morning she gets up and piles on the eye shadow!
She is adorable, what a little stinker! Isn't life great when pink eyeshadow is the "big beef"? ;)
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