Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Game...

One night as we were checking on the kids after putting them to bed, this is what greeted us! Yes, she was sound asleep and we just could not help ourselves from preserving this memory!

1- Go to your picture folder (or where ever you store your pics)
2- Go to the 6th folder and pick the 6th picture
3- Post on your blog and tell the story that goes along with the picture
4- Tag 5 other people... I tag:
Jennie, Angie, Amber, Celeste and Rachel


Brock said...

That is a really funny picture, but I am not sure that your daughter is going to appreciate this picture being posted on the internet. I know I wouldn't if it was me, even if it was when I was five and I had my favorite princess panties on. This is Melinda, btw, not Brock.

Misti said...

That is halarious! She will love her husband to see that someday!

Favs From My Kitchen to Yours!! said...

Sweet pic! Kids are awesome!